The lockdown and the ensuing changes in the world has made us all conscious of our health choices. Some of us turned to gardening to learn a new thing or two during the dreaded days locked at home, while others turned to working out, and learning new skills online. Keeping up with the healthy new practices we learned during lockdown, here are a few tips on how you can grow vegetables at home:

Hai Nguyen/Unsplash. Potatoes are a staple vegetable and is fairly easy to grow at home.
Most people who have begun their gardening journey want to first know how they can grow potatoes at home, since they are a staple in our diets. Having the most fresh vegetables right at home is one of the few luxuries you can get yourself with some effort. They are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. Simply sow a single potato seed in the soil in the month of March, and within four months time it will grow enough crop to feed a family of four.
Tomatoes are another favorite vegetable to grow at home. They are a bit difficult to grow, especially if you live somewhere cold. They need a lot of heat to grow, and may need a greenhouse to protect the fruit from the cold. You can read up on some ways to grow tomatoes at home, and with a little research, you will be able to grow them easily.

Maja Vujic/Unsplash. Growing spinach needs a lot of water and a warm soil.
Leafy greens :
To grow spinach, chard and other green vegetables, a warm soil is ideal. It’s best if you start in March and April so that it can grow well in the summer months. Spinach needs a lot of water, and could be quite high maintenance, but the yield of large, green leaves is worth the effort

Marina Helena Muller/Unsplash. Beetroot plants need some initial attention and prep to grow smoothly..
There are numerous varieties of beetroot crops. Some need to be sown early while others work well in the later months, so you can work a beetroot crop well into autumn even if you start later in the summer months. You need a good amount of prep and steps to take care of while sowing for beetroot, but once you have the seedlings, they don’t need much maintenance.
Leeks are also one of those crops that need little attention after you have prepared well and established the seedlings. They only need to be watered in extremely dry areas. They can be grown in early spring, but the best month to grow leeks is the latter part of April.